After you submit an eComment request, you will receive an email from ferc.gov
with a link to the comment system. Your system must not block emails from ferc.gov.
Please create your comments in a Word or Text file (up to 10,000 characters) before
you begin, then copy/paste them in the eComment Text Box to avoid time-out limits.
If you are not filing as an individual or if you are filing a motion to intervene,
you must have an eRegistration account and use the Commission's efiling system.
eComment can only be used to file comments in P, PF, CP, PT, ET, AD, RM, and PL dockets.
Authorize eComment:
Name is required.
Street Address is required.
** |
City is required.
State is required.
Zip/Postal Code is required.
Zip Code is not in correct format. Acceptable Format: 11111 or 11111-1111.
E-mail address is required.
E-Mail address is not in correct format.
E-Mail address is not in correct format.
Confirm E-mail address is required.
eMail addresses do not match.
Phone Number is not in correct format. Acceptable Format:111-111-1111.
* Denotes Required Field
** Denotes Field will be used by FERC internal staff and not posted to eLibrary.
FERC's eComment Option is limited to individuals filing up to 10,000 characters of text-only comments on their own behalf in the following proceedings:
• Hydroelectric License/Re-license Proceedings (P - Project Number),
• Pre-Filing Activity for Planned Natural Gas Projects (PF Docket),
• Applications for Authorization to Construct a Natural Gas Pipeline,
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) or Other Facility (CP Dockets),
• Pre-Filing Activity for Permits to Site Interstate Electric Transmission Lines (PT Dockets), and
• Applications for a Permit to Site Interstate Electric Transmission Lines (ET Dockets).
• Rulemaking Proceedings (AD, PL, and RM Dockets).
You must have or create a full eRegistration account (To eSubscribe) and use the Commission's efiling system if you are filing:
• On behalf of a company, agency, organization, association, or other non-individual
• A Motion to Intervene
• Comments exceeding 10,000 characters,
• Non-text material (exhibits, photos) or file attachments
• Privileged or Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII).